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Wednesday, May 31, 2006


As if the National Cathedral and Ford's Theatre were not enough to make you tear, we then ventured to Arlington National Cemetary. From the Arlington House, to JFK's eternal flame, to Bobby Kennedy's grave, to the tomb of the Unknowns, and across the Avenue of Heroes, these hallowed grounds speak of extraordinary courage and conviction. Being the child of a career military man, patriotism has been deeply instilled within me. Walking these pathways with tears streaming down my face with my husband and children at my side, I am humbled by the strength, courage, and conviction of the many men, women, and their families who epitomize all that is right with our great country. So, on this Memorial Day, I realize the words "Thank You" seem to barely scratch the surface of my gratitude. I hope they barely scratch the surface of your gratitude as well. Posted by Picasa

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