Mikayla turned 3 today! I can hardly believe how quickly the time has flown.
Mommy & Kay Kay had an all girl morning. No appointments, no school, and no errands to run. After dropping Spencer off at school, we were off to Panera for a mother/daughter breakfast. Mikayla adores Panera's egg souffle, so we had one of those and an iced coffee (also a favorite). Mikayla told the manager that it was her birthday, so the manager gave her a shortbread cookie on the house.
Next, it was off to the local Toys R Us store. She received her birthday crown and balloon. She also had to spend her little birthday coupon while we were there. Hey, Mom is a pushover, so she got a couple of more birthday goodies.
We finished off the morning with a trip to her favorite playground.

Since daddy had to work 12 hours on Wednesday, we decided to have a private birthday celebration for Mikayla on Monday. It was just the five of us and grandma. Mikayla had a great time opening her presents and really savoring her gifts rather than being pressured to open the next gift. She took her time with her presents. I must say I truly enjoyed watching her enjoy her goodies without the added pressure of hostessing a party.

Grandma gave Mikayla the most adorable Dora the Explorer Mermaid doll. Dora spins on her base and her skirt transforms into a mermaid tail. Grandma also got her the Dora the Explorer Mermaid dvd to go with it. Mikayla just played and played with Dora.
Mikayla also got her first official Barbie. I know, I know all about the self image issues, but what are you gonna do? Mikayla received the Island Princess Barbie and corresponding dvd. She has enjoyed putting her Barbie into the replica white mustang convertible that is just like Mommy's mustang. She zoom zooms all over with her Barbie.
Mrs. Carrie spoiled Mikayla with her Disney Princess portable coloring easel, an Elmo Water Baby, and the most adorable little shirt. She has just had a blast coloring and putting her pictures on the fridge with big brothers' game schedules.
And, a birthday wouldn't be complete without a dress up outfit. This year, Mikayla got a Cinderella outfit. Cinderella should have been as pretty as little Kay Kay. She has not taken off the dress up shoes yet. :)

After the presents, it was time for cake. Mikayla selected her Disney princess castle cake all by herself. The cake was beautiful and was just dream-come-true perfect for our little princess.
Mikayla blew out her candle like a pro.

I can hardly believe that she will be home from China two years in November. Mikayla just seems like she has always been here. In a way she has: She has been in our hearts much longer than two years. We are blessed to have this amazing little girl in our family! We love her dearly. I know 8000 miles away there is another Mommy that is missing this little joy. I pray that God will give Mikayla's birthmother the comfort that surpasses all understanding. May she know that her daughter is safe, loved, and cherished. I will hug Mikayla a little longer and more frequently today for her birthmother and birthfather in China. I know they would love to be hugging her in person today.
May you hug yours a little longer and frequently today as well. Our children truly are the joy of today and promise of tomorrow. How blessed and honored we are to have Mikayla, Connor, & Spencer. They certainly make the sunrises and sunsets a little more breathtaking.